Self-care ... Don't forget about YOU :)

Teacher training life can leave you feeling and looking a little bit blah. Early starts and late nights can wreak havoc on your skin and leave you longing for that post-holiday glow. Mid-week masking and beautifying were shoved to the bottom of my to-do list, and my skin was desperately craving a tea tree mud mask by the weekend. A skintox became a Saturday night non-negotiable, and it was an instant pick-me-up :).

Top Tip: A sheet mask is a really quick way to incorporate some mid-week masking with a lot less fuss :)

                                                                  I love to mask :)

H20 & Staying Hydrated

We all know that water is really important for our skin, and we should be drinking around 8 glasses a day. Although I drank lots of water before school, it was sometimes difficult to stay hydrated throughout the day. I knew that I couldn't just pop to the loo during lessons, and that was another big adjustment for me. If you also have a tiny bladder, this is something to be mindful of. When the kids went home, I made sure that I reached for my water bottle :).

Make me up :)

I'm always in awe of women who go makeup-free every day, but going to work without my mascara-lined lashes is a non-negotiable for me. I just wouldn't feel 'camera-ready' or 'work-ready' :). I  would feel like I was popping to the gym or my local farmer's market. Anyway, I always managed to create some sort of work face each morning, even if it did involve wearing the remnants of yesterday's eye makeup. It's important to feel a little bit like yourself each day, and if a slick of eyeliner makes you feel that little bit more confident, then unapologetically wear it.


I've always had naturally long and strong nails that have been the envy of many. For years, I didn't use shellac or acrylics, and I always did my own manicure. My nails became a part of my identity and garnered a string of compliments. I even considered giving them their own Instagram account at one stage. He he he, I didn't really, but I so should have done. Anyway, when I started teaching, it sadly marked the end of my impressive self-made manicure. My beautiful nails were like lambs to the slaughter and paid the ultimate sacrifice. As a year 1 teacher, I'd become more 'crafty' than ever and became far too familiar with Pritt Stick. My nails had handled a daily battering on a keyboard for decades, but they just couldn't cope with the requirements of a teacher. 

                        My pre-teaching long and strong natural nails

                                               My filed down teacher-mani

To preserve your nails, I would 100% recommend getting a shellac manicure. It might require regular visits to the salon if you don't have a home kit (a lamp, gel polish and gel removal products), but your nails will be stronger as a result. On a teacher training salary, it can be costly to maintain a shellac mani, but it might just be the self-care and relaxation that you need. I opted for a regular home mani to save on costs and time and treated myself to a salon mani during the holidays. I'm glad to say that my nails have grown again, and I'm now a happy shellac convert. I love my chip-free, high-shine mani and the protection and longevity that you get from Shellac.

                    My shellac mani 

Beauty & the Sleep

Beauty sleep is not just a cute little phrase; it's 100% a thing. Quality, sufficient sleep makes you look and feel better and proves that there's a definite connection between beauty and sleep. Good-quality sleep also strengthens your immune system, helps you maintain a healthy weight and simply makes you feel better. You wake up with a spring in your step and a smile on your face :). During the school week, it's very easy to rack up hours of missed sleep and become sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation can lead to low mood, illness and burnout, and no one is at their best when they're in a sleep-deprived body. 

It's really important to get an early night when you can and to make up for lost sleep at the weekend. If you resist those early nights and lie-ins, your body will force you into a state of sleep, when your eyes just won't stay open. On a Friday night, I often found myself falling into bed at 8:30pm, totally exhausted. I would stay in bed beyond 10am on a Saturday, and the beauty benefits were countless. I'd wake with brighter under-eyes, reduced puffiness and a sleep-injected facial that cost me nothing. I really do look like a totally different person after a night of good-quality sleep.  

There's a lot of talk about the importance of sleep hygiene (practices throughout the day that create the ideal conditions for healthy sleep), but it can be extremely difficult for trainee teachers. We probably don't stop drinking coffee early enough in the day, we eat too late at night and we don't log off our laptops an hour before bedtime. It's really hard to consistently maintain good sleep hygiene, but be mindful of it and do your best to have a relaxing pre-bedtime routine. Some people enjoy reading a book before bed or soaking in a hot bath. For me, a cool, clutter-free bedroom is essential for a good night's sleep. Your days as a trainee teacher are never finished, and it's important that you set yourself a cut-off time when you'll stop working. Prioritise sleep when you can and reap all those beauty benefits.         

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