Don't ignore the niggles

I loved working at ITV, and it gave me a real sense of security, pride and belonging. Leaving a job where you're comfortable, capable and respected can be a really big decision. I can totally see why people can very easily stay in a job or a workplace for most of their working lives. The years go by incredibly quickly, and before you know it, you're marking two decades. I always knew that I'd only leave ITV to study or to have a baby. I'm not sure if I chose the easier of the two options :). 

                                           Sad to be leaving but knew it was the right move

The amazing thing about leaving ITV, and the silver lining, was the fact that I could always return as a freelancer. Knowing that I could work on Lorraine during the holidays or after my training felt incredibly comforting. I didn't want to completely shut the ITV door, and this made me feel like it was still ajar. I knew that I had to leave Lorraine to pursue something that was niggling at me, but I didn't want to completely dissociate myself either. 

The art of leaving is never easy, whatever situation you're in. There's always a piece of you that remembers the benefits and the good times and wants to hold onto them. I wasn't slamming the ITV door with certainty, and having it in touching distance really helped me as I transitioned into something new. Although there are times when you need to have a clean break from something, I gave myself grace for holding onto a piece of ITV. In all fairness, most people were astounded that I'd let it go at all!

ITV has been a huge part of my life, and I had so much fun working there. I decided to create a huge montage of memories that captures my decade-plus at the channel. It's a daily reminder of an amazing season of my life, and I love looking at it. It really does bring me joy :).

                      My ITV montage of memories

After my summer of teacher training, which ran from June to July, I returned to ITV to cover some shifts. This was before starting school in September, and it was good to earn a bit of money. During my training year, I was far too busy to freelance, but it was great to return to Lorraine the following summer. Things had changed massively at ITV, and it was good to see the new look office and my old colleagues. My training year allowed me to grow personally and professionally, and going back to my old job helped me fully transition into a whole new season.

                                           I popped into ITV as a freelancer

                                           The streaming service ITVX has arrived

If there's a niggling dream or desire that just won't go away, it really won't go away. I love that I'll never have to look back in regret and wonder what teaching and learning might actually be like. I'm thrilled that I achieved a huge qualification in just one year and that I learned so much. You can never have too many qualifications, and they give you options and opportunities. Sometimes, taking a leap of faith, feeling the fear and doing it anyway can be the best decision. In the words of Nike, 'Just do it' :).

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